Green Mushy Peas

The adventures of a stay at home mom to three, traveling abroad during the summer of 2006.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Our trip to the lagoon.

I am pleased to annouce that I made it... with all three kids in tow... to the lagoon and back safely today! Don't give me too much credit though. I did end up dragging my poor sister in law along with me! But we ended up having a great day. The weather was nice, the sky was clear, and the kids I think had a great time. The lagoon is an incredible park for kids. On a slightly warmer day I hope to take them back so we can play in the 'paddling pool' there. It was pretty crowded today, but I swear these brits are crazy - it was only 60 degrees with 15mph and they were all frolicking about in the water as if it were actually WARM outside. He he he.

Here are some pictures from our journey today!!

These are a few shots of New Church road and Wish Road...I think this part of Hove is especially beautiful. I really love the old buildings and tree lines streets. We actually looked for a home to let here on this road, but they was nothing available. It's a pretty posh part of town!!!

Then a one of the lagoon... I took more than this one of course, but I was really impressed with the mural that someone had painted on the back of the wall by the sea front. It was really impressive!!!

This is a photo of the 'boardwalk' that follows essentially the entire length of the sea front. As far as I know it goes on for miles and miles and miles, thru tons of different cities, towns, and villages. These bright beach lockers are owned by different people, and you can purchase them! I guess to store all your beach gear in when you live in the city? They are so colorful though, and add a real pop to the seascape.

And finally, a picture of Zoe with my kids on the beach. Zoe is my sister in law!! I have some more weird photos of the sea front but I will save them for another day.

All in all, we've had a good day. Zoe and David are coming over tonite, and we will have a house full of football (England plays in the world cup tonite!!) and family. Not a bad ending to a good day, I suppose!!!


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