Green Mushy Peas

The adventures of a stay at home mom to three, traveling abroad during the summer of 2006.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

St. Nicholas Church

So yesterday afternoon, after Stewart got home... I grabbed my camera and set off into the old village to do some exploring. Portslade has been wedged here in the downs for absolute centuries, and I had seen this old church on the hillside many times but had never explored it... so I decided to head off and check it out yesterday.

I love old churches. And I love old graveyards.... it makes you wonder, as you stare at these graves dated back into the 1600 and 1700's... what these people's lives were like. What happened to the tiny graves that only have one carved birth date and death date. Graveyards like this one, are just rich in untold tales and stories.

I did a little reading on this church on the internet (God Bless the Internet) and discovered all kinds of interesting facts.... like it dates back to the Norman time period, around 1150. It is the second oldest church in this part of the country. What used to be the convent behind it, now holds a homeless shelter. The old vicarage however, is still lived in by the Vicar, and the church is still worshipped in three times a week for Mass.

Here are my pictures from Old St. Nicholas' Church, Portslade.


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