Green Mushy Peas

The adventures of a stay at home mom to three, traveling abroad during the summer of 2006.

Friday, June 23, 2006

The Brighton Pier

We spent the day at the seaside today... all. day. long. The breeze was slight, the sun was bright, and it was a great way to start off the weekend. We played in the park, rummaged for sea shells at the beach, ate ice cream, rode rides, and watched the wind surfers in the distance off the pier. The kids had a great time, and begged to stay at the seaside forever. We took our time today, leisurely wandering around. Talked to a nice elderly lady about the little lockers on the sea... turns out you can buy your very own one for 6000 GBP!! Add to that a council tax of about 800 GBP a year... woo hooo!! I'll have two, please!

Tomorrow, we are planning on having a pretty lazy day around the house. I'm tired and a little sunburnt today. Sunday, we are gearing up for Stewart's trip to Manchester... he'll be gone from home for 2 days. :( Christian's third birthday is Monday, and we are celebrating by taking him to McDonald's Sunday night after the England game (they play ecuador) because he's been begging for it. We still don't have many presents for him -- it's hard since we can't get him anything too big or else we'll have to pay to ship it home.

I think tomorrow night we are going to have an evening out with Zoe and David, and go to the greyhound track. I love betting on the greyhounds!!! 20p a bet. :)

Hopefully, more pictures tomorrow from the hounds.


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