Green Mushy Peas

The adventures of a stay at home mom to three, traveling abroad during the summer of 2006.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I swear, this isn't England. It's the Amazon!

First the stinging nettle, and now this!!!

So last night, I was alone all night. It was fairly nice, since for the first time EVER Stewart and I are forced to sleep in a double bed - so I finally had room to stretch out. Ahhhh. I drifted off to sleep after watching an episode of How I Met Your Mother (they put on all the American TV shows after like 11. BAH!). I woke up with a start at exactly 3am.

Now anyone who knows me knows that I have a serious overactive hyper imagination. I think things thru too much sometimes, and my brain takes a hold of things and that is that. I have run away from the Boogey Man several times in my adult life. Laugh all you want, but one day when the Boogey Man really comes, I will be skilled in avoiding him!!!

I wake up with a start at 3am, and I have no idea what has woken me up. I sit up in bed and I hear the scariest, most God Awful noise I have ever heard. I can't even describe it. It was as if a dog had eaten a seagull and was proceeding to scream about it at the top of it's lungs. It was literally echoing off the walls of my bedroom!!! And then it REALLY started... in a loud, screeching rhythm.

I didn't have my glasses nearby, so I jumped up and squinted out the window. Of course I saw nothing but darkness. But still the screaming came, from out of nowhere. It sounded as if it was literally right outside my window!!!

I curled up in bed for an hour listening to the screaming... having convinced myself that this was the dreaded English Boogey Man, just trying to find a way up the front of the house into my window. I had never heard such a noise as this!!!

I finally managed to drift off to sleep after 4, when the screams started to gradually subside.

I stumbled downstairs at 7:45 this morning, and asked Gloria (my mother in law) if she heard the screams last night. Because, after all, I do have an overactive imagination so it was quite possible I had just had a really bad dream and run with it. She had no idea what I was talking about, but after I explained the screeches to her... she chuckled.

Turns out I was probably interrupting a romantic rendevouz... of the Common Red Fox.

They are everywhere in England, and are seen as pests for the most part. According to Robert, it sounded as if I was treated to an hours worth of mating. Niiiiice.

Scariest noise I have ever heard.

Mating Foxes. In the FRONT YARD (and you have SEEN the front yard).

It's the Amazon, I tell ya!!!


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